ep. 508 - The Cryptids of Pennsylvania

1 year ago

This week Rocco and Kurt go "off the cuff", both researching other topics and neither being ready they dive into a few instances of cryptids in Pennsylvania. Prepare to learn a little about Devil Monkeys, the Pocono Wildman and PA Bigfoot sightings.

As always you can contact the show at podcast@primitiveintelligence.com


Devil Monkey (Cryptid Wiki): https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Devil_Monkeys
PA Bigfoot map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1YM1KNTl1F18yPhzWzTlg9gciPuU&hl=en_US&ll=40.858805104077504%2C-76.63365112206394&z=7
Pocono Cryptids (Pocono Record): https://www.poconorecord.com/story/news/weird-news/2022/10/26/pocono-cryptids-your-online-field-guide-to-the-beasts-of-northeast-pa/69540617007/
Pocono Wildman (Paranormal Strange Wiki): https://paranormal-strange.fandom.com/wiki/Pocono_Wildman


Track: "Medicine", Shryne
Music provided by https://Slip.stream
Free Download/Stream: https://get.slip.stream/5QO4e7

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