Project Blue Beam - A Mega Compilation of Holographic Projections

5 months ago

Project Blue Beam - A Mega Compilation of Holographic Projections
(Lol. Ignore the ranting in the background)
We  are moving into a time in which it would be very plausible that the enemy will deploy Project Blue Beam against the masses. There are government conspiracies and government secrets.  Let us not be naive, all governments will have necessary secrets.  Information that should not be released to the general public due to national security issues.  This is most definitely true as it pertains to military operations.
The quintessential need to know basis.  Sometimes we the people don’t need to know especially if it will put the soldiers in a more difficult situation.  But, what if the secret is covering up a plot of a very nefarious nature?  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
A very interesting thing happened at the end of World War II.  At this time in history, people all over the world for the first time we’re reporting seeing strange unidentified objects in the sky or UFO’s which are Unidentified Flying Objects.  These objects were witnessed moving around in the sky at great speed.  In 1947 the first UFO was spotted by a man named Kenneth A.  Kenneth was documented stating that he saw, with his own eyes, 9 saucer-shaped objects flying at the rate of about 1700 kilometers per hour. 
A  couple of committees were created with the intent to explain and demystify the events usually linking them to man-made error activity.  Of course seeing events like this obviously sparked a lot of interest from scientists, military, government, law enforcement and the general public alike.  An abundance of data concerning these UFO’s was collected at that time. 
This is when U.F.O’s became a public phenomenon.
The United States government and the media were definitely involved in putting out misleading information which contradicted the original stories given by eyewitnesses and therefore effectively convoluting the airways.  This didn’t sit well with Serge Monast, a Canadian from Quebec born in 1945 who was an investigative journalist, essayist, poet, and conspiracy theorist.  Serge gained a lot of popularity from quest appearing on shows that deal with the phenomenon of an esoteric nature.
In 1994, he published Project Blue Beam (NASA), in which he detailed a four-step base operation set up by the US government by way of NASA with the help of the United Nations.  This operation or program was to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head who will publically ridicule and denounce all of the four major religions.  This will help usher in the New World Order.  In his publication, Serge mentions how these entities will further fool the people by projecting a technologically simulated Second Coming of Christ.
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I believe this is the origin source:

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