Jesus will get His bride and judge everyone left behind

1 year ago

Jesus is the lion of Judah and not a baby anymore, He will destroy the wicked and judge everyone, then the 6th seal was opened and there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth and the moon did not give off it's light, and the mountains and islands were moved from its place, and all the rich, the mighty, kings, generals, slave and free hid themselves in a cave and yelled fall on us and hide us from Him who sits on the throne for the day of wrath has come and who can stand, the antichrist world is all set up, cash is being removed everywhere and it will be scan your wrist and no one may buy or sell without the mark of the beast which is the vaccines, once you get the vaccines it changes your DNA and you are not human anymore, you are now a slave of the antichrist and satan owns you forever, you either follow Jesus or Satan

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