God did not make cancer causing genes!

1 year ago

Recently on Charlie Ward's Insider's Club:

"God did not make cancer causing genes... Auto immune. So they want you to think your God made you attack yourself. There is no such thing as an oncogene.
Oh, we test for prostate cancer. There's no such thing. It's a membrane protein that can be expressed everywhere.
We cured XMRV associated prostate cancer, presented it to Merck, J&J, DARPA, you name it at the National Cancer Institute at Fort Dietrich, literally to them in 2006, 2010.
The company's name is Genyous, G E N Y O U S, Omnitura, it's a platform technology where you simply change the plant botanical and then use the drug very, very low dose that targets the single agent.
I mean, all of these technologies, that technology like Peptide T had been through phase one phase two clinical trials even for Ebola, and the FDA knew all of this, and NOT ONCE did they allow it to be approved or manufactured, just like they stopped Peptide T from ever coming to the market while they poisoned you with things like AZT and here Remdesivir."

Thanks Charlie Ward for making this Insider's Club video public :-)

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