Gears of War 4 | ACT VI | Full Gameplay 4K60

1 year ago

Act IV of Gears of War 4 features JD Fenix’s escape from the osmium mine and journey through Tollen Dam to a Swarm hive, where Reyna is being held prisoner. However, after seeing the large number of Swarm creatures guarding the hive, a decision is made to call for backup1. The act consists of five chapters: Get Out, No Detours, Knock Knock, Powerless, and Storm Warning1.

For a detailed walkthrough of the missions and combat tips, please refer to the following links:

Chapter 1 - Get Out: This chapter features JD Fenix’s escape from the osmium mine and journey through Tollen Dam to a Swarm hive, where Reyna is being held prisoner. It also includes tips for combat and all collectible locations.
Chapter 2 - No Detours: This chapter features JD Fenix and his team’s journey through the Tollen Dam to reach the Swarm hive. It also includes tips for combat and all collectible locations.
Chapter 3 - Knock Knock: This chapter features JD Fenix and his team’s infiltration of the Swarm hive. It also includes tips for combat and all collectible locations.
Chapter 4 - Powerless: This chapter features JD Fenix and his team’s attempt to rescue Reyna from the Swarm hive. It also includes tips for combat and all collectible locations.
Chapter 5 - Storm Warning: This chapter features JD Fenix and his team’s escape from the Swarm hive. It also includes tips for combat and all collectible locations.

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