11.18.2023 Government Off the Rails & New Court

1 year ago

The show covers J6 Families and the opportunity to support them during the holiday season by giving gift cards so they can have a "normal" Christmas. The discussion covered the press release by Office of the Attorney General, Merrick Garland, from within the DOJ, announcing the creation of a new "fully independent" special court (similar to the FISA), the Data Protection Review Court (DPRC), situated within the DOJ, that is outside of the traditional judicial court system and may exist also outside the balance of power. These courts are cloaked in secrecy due to the involvement of intel agencies working with top secret information which requires special clearances and, therefore, lacks transparency and "proper" judicial process & congressional oversight. Steve Friend lends an interesting depth of knowledge about the FISA court and the use of that court by the FBI.

-Cynthia Hughes, Founder, Patriot Freedom Project and their fundraiser The Christmas Cause to support J6 families over the holidays
-Dan Cox, Attorney & Candidate for MD's 6th Congressional District, CoxForCongress.org
-Walter Charlton, Attorney, Counsel for Gibson et al v. Maryland et al, a RICO Election Fraud Case. To support the legal activities to restore free and fair elections, go to Charlton Scientific, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
-Steve Friend, FBI Whistleblower & host of American Radicals Podcast on Rumble with co-host Garrett O'Boyle (also FBI Whistleblower)

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