"O HOLY NIGHT" Anna Hawkins MusicMOVIE Story The Nativity Movie "Christ The Lord is Born"

1 year ago

The Art of Music Movie Video Storytelling, Tabernacle of David SON, Praise and Worship intentional!
"I Exalt Thee"...............................SUBSCRIBE TO HIS GLORY!
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This Music MOVIE Story was Produced with a CREATOR Wave Video acct/ Affiliate LINK HERE:

#annahawkinsmusic, #oholynight, #bethlehemmusic,
Tabernacle of David SON is a Music MOVIE storytelling, creator for the Glory of Our CREATOR, The LORD Jesus. Anna Hawkins, "O HOLY NIGHT" and the birth of Jesus, from "The Nativity", brings hope to a hopeless world, a Savior, The Messiah of Israel is born to a virgin in Bethlehem. Be a witness of the miracle of Jesus Christ, our LORD entering the creation, that He CREATED, as innocent as a lamb, where shepherds watch by night!

"O Holy Night" - Anna Hawkins (In Studio Performance)

The Nativity - THE BIBLE

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