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15 seconds

I was wrong about "The Patriot Act."


  • 0/2000
  • Was all part of their plan all along!!!

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  • Sometimes, a lot of bad comes from something that looked like a good idea at the time. These are mistakes of the past and while you should feel bad now that it is being used for evil at the time it seemed a good idea. So, where does the blame lie? On the people using it for an evil end. We, therefore, must follow through and see where our stance may be a bad idea now. It is not your fault. Evil will use a good idea and twist it to an evil end. Never forget, the Demonkratic Party will twist anything it thinks it can to promote its evil, socialistic ends. They are violent, sadistic, and demon-controlled. This is why the Lord warned us about demons. They are real, they are violent, and they will kill you to achieve their twisted plot for humanity! This is a very real real war; a war between good and evil!

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