2077 - 10 Seconds to the Future | An Unquenchable Thirst | Free Documentary

1 year ago

In the future, will the human being be at the top of technology, using it to solve the great problems of Humankind? Will technology bring more freedom to be able to devote to exercising the highest values of the human being? What is this desire to annihilate our neighbor, that seems to not have evolved ever since the origin of modern Man, over 100 thousand years ago, despite the average values of the intelligence quotient having increased consistently, from one decade to the other? We left the caves. We invented the wheel, steam locomotion, electricity, the internet. We built car, places, rockets. We launched ourselves into Space. We created markets, medicine, weaponry. We recreated life… But all this with absolute, permanent dissatisfaction and a never-ending desire to reach more and more. Even the power of God. Where do we want to get and how? Why does the human being have an unquenchable thirst?

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