Will Joe Biden declare a climate emergency in the United States In 2024? Tarot Prediction!

1 year ago


With 40 countries who have already declared a climate emergency to acknowledge and possibly deal with the climate crisis. Will President Joe Biden and the United States government finally declare a climate emergency in 2024? The U.S. is the biggest carbon producer and has resisted for years declaring a climate emergency. The U.S. military is also one of the biggest polluting entities on earth. The climate justice movement in the U.S. is heating up with the fight from climate activist groups: Extinction Rebellion, Climate Defiance and other climate protestor groups. Heating up the issue even more is the fact that 2024 is a presidential election year and the American's people's disapproval of Biden is at all time high, especially with younger voters who do not trust him and have infamously named him #genocidejoe in response to the United States supporting Israel.

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