Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) wants illegal alien migrant camps in Ames

1 year ago

Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal wants illegal alien migrant camps all over Ames, Iowa. She had a hissy fit & blocked me when I asserted that Kim Reynolds was right for telling Fake POTUS Joe Biden to jump in a lake when he wanted to dump illegal alien migrants in Iowa. Latifah Faisal is not good at taking care of herself (she once whined that she had to go to a skating rink to get the interwebs decades ago & probably thought someone else should pay for it – why didn’t her parents pay for it?) & she would not take in several single, young adult males from Honduras into her rural Iowa home – but she’s ok w/ taxpayers paying for it.

Vote this lunatic out, she is promoting policies that will create tent cities all over Iowa (Reynolds will block this, as will the Legislature), overrun hospitals & cause hyperinflation. Her policies will guarantee that the shelves are empty. She wants to bring this economy down on purpose.

No immigration by merit, she wants to import voters from the 3rd world that will become a burden on taxpayers, build them public housing (on your dime), give them free health care, a free education, etc. Latifah Faisal does NOT want meritorious immigration, she wants immigrants that she can sign up for a bevy of benefits & then register them to vote.

The end-game of this is to give amnesty to these people, so they can stack the Supreme Court, nullify an individual right to own a firearm & confiscate private property. Then & only then can they put dissenters into camps and/or murder them. This is the path every dictator takes because every intelligent dictator disarms their opponents first.

Latifah Faisal wants to turn Iowa into California, don’t let her do it. Latifah Faisal wants to turn the U.S. into California, don’t do it. She has never had a job in the private sector where she’s paid a dime in taxes. She has never created a job & never will.

Send her packing in November, back to her other taxpayer-funded job doing something for Story County. Latifah Faisal & Klaus Schwab have a lot in common, their end-game is the same, period

My previous responses to this lunatic

Some data on immigration, a bit dated but still relevant When Democrats say our immigration system is broken, what they mean is we’re not letting in enough people willy-nilly, they hate merit, which is counterproductive to their open borders scheme.

Ask them to tell you how many people were naturalized per year under Obama, the Bushes, Clinton or Reagan. Answers like, “too few” or “not enough” will not be accepted.

PS the Democrats are flummoxed now that the public is getting upset at this, so do not believe the lies they will tell over the next 11 months. They’ll tell you, “We’re going to hire more border agents, we’re going to close the border, we’re going to crack down.”

DO NOT believe it, it is a lie. They want to keep the WH in 2024, keep the Senate & gain the House on the back of that lie. As soon as that happens, they will open the border up again & begin the process to give amnesty to ~10+ million illegal aliens (that they purposely spread out all over this country, many times in the dead of night so it’s difficult to keep track of them. They have no intention of getting to their hearing, period), so they can stack the SCOTUS, take your guns away & confiscate private property

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