Israel-Palestine War: "There Is No Deal With The Devil!" Cenk Uygur vs Mosab Hassan Yousef On Hamas

9 months ago

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Palestinian ex-militant Mosab Hassan Yousef, Democratic Presidential hopeful and political commentator Cenk Uygur and former Chelsea Football Club and Israel manager Avram Grant for a debate on the IDF's recent attacks on Palestine and whether they fall into 'indiscriminate' bombings. They also discuss whether a peaceful resolution can be found.

Cenk explains that Israel's bombing of Gaza can only be defined as indiscriminate as they have dropped two thousand pound bombs in residential areas as well as twenty nine thousand bombs on an area the size of Las Vegas. He also reacts to his name being pictured on one of the bombs.

Piers then asks Mohab, whose father is a co-founder of Hamas, if a deal could be made between the terror group and Israel. Mohab, who defected to Israel in 1997, explains that you cannot make a deal with Hamas just as you cannot make a deal with the devil. He then criticises the larger Muslim population for 'hiding behind' religious values rather than pointing out the wrongdoings of humanity, referencing Hamas' attacks on October 7th.

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