High LDL-C with No Plaques? New LMHR Study with Feldman & Norwitz

1 year ago

If a Keto or Carnivore diet has caused you cholesterol and LDL-C to go up, then you want to watch this video. Some recent research has called into question the prevailing theory that elevated LDL-C causes plaques to build up in your coronary arteries and increases the risk of heart attack. This research, along with a new hypothesis, is shaking up the Lipidology world and giving hope to all those who developed high LDL-C on Keto or Carnivore diets.

Dave Feldman was a senior software engineer and entrepreneur. Then he began a Low Carb, High Fat diet in April 2015 and developed high LDL-C. He has since learned everything he could about cholesterol. As an engineer, he spotted a pattern in the lipid system that’s very similar to distributed objects in networks. He has since learned quite a bit on the subject both through research and experimentation which has revealed some very powerful data. With this new general theory, he can shift around his cholesterol substantially without any drugs or special supplements of any kind.

Dr. Nicholas Norwitz graduated valedictorian from Dartmouth college majoring in cell biology and bio chemistry. He received his PhD in metabolism from the University of Oxford and is a Medical Student at Harvard Medical School. He is an active researcher and, despite his young age, has published dozens of peer review papers, and is considered an expert on the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder phenotype, with more publications on the topic to date than any physician or scientist worldwide.

The Study: pending...
Dr Budoff LMHR Talk: https://youtu.be/ny2JqAgoORo?si=1YeEwJVE8RYU32IT
Nick LMHR video: https://youtu.be/IMkDwtJVeB0
Dave's LMHR video: https://youtu.be/ejpbghApYGs?si=eShrM7KcXZZtkDyF

Lipid Energy Model: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35629964/
LMHR, first paper: https://cdn.nutrition.org/article/S2475-2991(22)00007-5/fulltext
JCL LMHR editorial: https://lipidjournal.com/article/S1933-2874(22)00295-1/fulltext
LMHR, low saturated fat case report: https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9048595/

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