बवासीर का घरेलु नुस्खे Bawasir Ke Liye Gharelu Upchar & Effective Treatment For Piles & hemorrhoids

1 year ago

How To Get Relief From Piles In 3 Days | 3 दिनों में बवासीर से राहत पाएं बवासीर का घरेलु नुस्खे | Bawasir Ke Liye Gharelu Upchar & Effective Treatment For Piles

इन घरेलू उपाय से बवासीर में पाएं राहत #shorts #PILES #health #hemorrhoids

Grade 1 - Piles tissues protrude into the anal canal but does not prolapse outside the anus. Grade 2 - Piles tissues protrude through the anus during straining or evacuation but returns spontaneously. Grade 3 - The piles tissues protrude through the anus during straining or evacuation but need to be manually returned to position. Grade 4 - The piles tissues remain prolapsed outside of the anus.

#Pileskailaj #bawasirkidawa #bawasir #Pileshomeremedy #pilescaretreatment #pilesmedicine #homeremedyforpiles #hemorrhoidstreatment

Home Remides for Piles, Pain in Hindi, Bawasir Ke Ilaj Ke Liye Gharelu Ilaj, को जड़ से कैसे ख़तम करे?

Visit : www.shubhjeevanayurveda.in
Call : 7300557847
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