21-Day Program for RAPID Weight Loss! 👇

4 months ago

21-Day Program for Rapid Weight Loss! 👇

I must say, smoothies are perfect for healthy lifestyle. I consider smoothie as lifestyle rather than calling it as a smoothie diet.

Does it make you feel better? Yes, whenever we get into discussion about any kind of diet, it alerts our inner thoughts like restriction and disciplines about what you eat or drink.

But, Smoothie diet is not as tough as you think, just look at it as your daily lifestyle and you will be able to achieve your goal easily even if you are living very busy routine life.

Do not mistake phrase – Smoothie only diet with strict liquid diet! There are many ways to lose weight by following smoothie diet. I recommend you to check health coach Drew’s https://bit.ly/the-diet-smoothies-21 , if you are looking for a weight loss program based on green smoothies!

➡️Smoothie Diet : https://bit.ly/the-diet-smoothies-21
➡️Smoothie Diet : https://bit.ly/the-diet-smoothies-21
✅ GITF eBook FREE: https://bit.ly/the-smoothie-diet-21d
✅ GITF eBook FREE: https://bit.ly/the-smoothie-diet-21d

Facts about smoothie diet
Smoothie-only diet contains green smoothies, rich with nutrients from greens, vegetables and fruits.

One or two green smoothies a day is the good way to lose weight.
I recommend you to consult dietitian before changing or cutting down nutrition.

You might experience challenge sticking to smoothie-only diet plans.

Smoothie diet is proven way, and here is one of the videos proving the success with smoothie only diet. In this video, Jenell Stewart has shown her path to successful weight loss by following 30-Day smoothie diet.

Her comments on 24th day of smoothie diet – “I made it to 24 days and lost over 17lbs. I’m so proud of myself. I’ve not only got my weight back down but I also found my happiness!”

Why Smoothie Diet
Easy to prepare without spending too much time. You can always prepare in advance to make your green smoothie first thing in the morning or even 5 minutes before you are planning to drink.

Green smoothies are nutrients rich and loaded with vitamins. Smoothies are best way to consume your daily fruits and vegetables in form of liquid.

It is one of the easy way to live healthier life by making sure to include necessary fruits and greens in daily diet.

Smoothie diet works for sure, but you must balance it out.

Do Not Replace all Meals with Smoothies

I recommend you not to replace all your meals with smoothies, yes, if you try to substitute all your meals with smoothie then chances of you quitting smoothie diet challenge are high.

As in general, any regular smoothies contain 300 to 400 calories. If you replace your breakfast, lunch and dinner with smoothies then you are most likely to consume 1200 to 1400 calories per day in form of smoothies.

On average, men needs at least 1500 calories and women needs at least 1200 calories per day. If you consume lower calories then needed then you are 100% going to get hungry.

I do not recommend low calories diet that cuts down on your daily required calories. Low calories diet by replacing all of your meals with smoothie will bring you disappointed results in your weight loss goal.

Your body might go into starvation mode, in my opinion it is good for survival but not to achieve weight loss goal. Smoothies are great way to consume extra nutrients daily but they are not complete for your body needs.

If you replace all of your meals with smoothie that might cause deficiencies in your body. Some deficiencies you can avoid by consuming certain greens and fruits. For example, Iron and Calcium deficiencies can be reduced by consuming good amount of Kale in your green smoothies.

Your body needs Protein
Green smoothies are plant based, and we all know that we are not going to get enough protein from plant based diet. There are some plan based protein powder available including rise based protein powder.

Our body needs protein to energies and function normally. By consuming plant based diet with low protein may make you feel tired and energy less. It also has negative effects on weight loss.

I use protein powder in my green smoothies. You should consider adding protein powder in your smoothies to give protein boost to your smoothie diet.

Some people follow 5 Day Protein Shake Diet for limited period of time. But, personally I would not do 5 Day Protein Shake Diet.

This 5 Day Protein Shake Diet includes 5 protein shake per day for 5 days or short period of time. People have seen very effective results with 5 Day Protein Shake Diet, but it may have side effects.

I do not recommend to go for 5 Day Protein Shake Diet without medical supervision.

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