The TRUTH you don't want to know, but should.

9 months ago

Everything has a REAL TRUTH whether you want to hear it or not. Most people feel what they were told is the truth. Seriously look at the the world more contaminated then ever. More violence then ever, more abuse then ever. While you have religious ans spiritual speakers telling you everything is getting better, soon we will be in the golden age. We are anything but. We have aliens coming here talking families and children from birthing mothers.
No one wants to talk about their diet. Nevermind why aliens really came here. Then in religion, many people are sitting arouind waiting for Jesus to come save their sorry ass. Why would he come back? Really. They all helped kill him when he was here. Besides when a enlightened SOUL attains God awarness it doesn't need to come back.
Soul was created for Itself not the world or the universe. You are born alone and leave alone- well if you did not attain self-realization you have no clue to your guides even. Tune in I will answer any questions or email me.

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