Biomedical Signals can be Measured from the Human Body Wirelessly – Our body is the Computer Network

9 months ago

Sabrina Wallace Connects the Dots for us in this extraordinary educational video. Unfortunately, she appears to be correct. I have personally looked up all the sources she provided, which I have included and made some comments.

Your body is a computer network transmitting signals to the Cloud Wirelessly and it is doing so with internal Biosensors that are Monitoring:

1. Temperature
2. Respiration
3. Blood Pressure
4. Pulse
5. ECG – Electrocardiogram
6. EEG – Electroencephalogram
7. EMG – Electromyogram
8. GSR – Galvanic Skin Response or Electrodermal Activity
9. Impedance
10. Movement
11. Blood Gas (O2, CO2, N2) – Electrogastrogram (EGG)
12. EOG – Electrooculogram - The electrooculogram (EOG) measures the cornea-positive standing potential relative to the back of the eye. By attaching skin electrodes outside the eye near the lateral and medial canthus, the potential can be measured by having the patient move the eyes horizontally a set distance.
13. ERG – Electroretinogram – Electroretinography measures the electrical responses of various cell types in the retina, including the photoreceptors, inner retinal cells, and the ganglion cells. Electrodes are placed on the surface of the cornea or on the skin beneath the eye to measure retinal responses.
14. EGG – Electrogastrogram – An electrogastrogram is a computer generated graphic produced by electrogastrography, which detects, analyzes and records the myoelectrical signal generated by the movement of the smooth muscle of the stomach, intestines and other smooth muscle containing organs.

You would think that Doctors attending the 2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference focusing on Artificial Intelligence Biomedical Circuits and Systems for Health would know what is going on just by seeing the topics below.

1. Biosensor Devices and Interface Circuits
2. Body Area/Sensor Networks and Wireless Health Monitoring
3. Implantable and Wearable Health Devices and systems
4. Bio-Inspired and Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems
5. Electronics for Neuroscience
6. Innovative Circuits for Medical Applications
7. Biofeedback, Neuromodulation, and Closed-Loop Systems
8. Assistive, Rehabilitation, and Quality of Life Technologies
9. Biotelemetry and Energy Harvesting/Scavenging Circuits and Systems
10. Lab-on-Chip / BioMEMS / Point-of-Care Devices

Are doctors just too stupid to recognize that this ALL deals with the WBAN? I know that they will introduce this very gradually, but the writing is before everyone. Sabrina Wallace is correct.

This has NOTHING to do with health but they are working their ASSES off selling it to our brainwashed, dumbed down medical doctors as this is needed for “HEALTH”.

They introduce technology that the private sector has mastered 40 years ago to the public medical brainwashed imbeciles who are taught to obey and listen to their superiors. If they are dumb enough to believe that medicine, which is Toxic Chemicals, are to promote good health, they are dumb enough to fall that this is in the name of health.

When Sabrina says the “White Coats” need to stop lying, I think many of them are just too brainwashed and stupid to connect the dots that the Covid Shots and other “Medicines” are being used without patient consent to form WBAN’s and that the WBAN’s are really People, including themselves. I don’t know and may be way off here, that’s just my opinion.

The mainframe appears to have already been established, now they need to gradually bring in the doctors to help with the monitoring and of course do it in the name of promoting better health to their patients.

As Sabrina Wallace says in this video presentation, they are going to these conferences to learn how to manage the hardware and software that has been ‘pre-installed.’ -- Software-Defined Metamaterials (SDMs) is a promising application recently proposed in the industrial field of smart materials, where a network of nanodevices is embedded in the structure of metamaterials, to allow the latter to change their electromagnetic behavior (e.g., cloaking, filtering and steering of sound and light) at runtime. Despite the routing schemes proposed for SDMs could cope with the unique challenges in the nanonetworks, such as the very high path loss and the extremely poor data computing and storing capabilities, there is no point-to-point routing scheme that directly considers the limited stored energy capabilities. The present work proposes three versions of an adjusted flood-based point-to-point routing scheme for static and dense 2D nanonetworks. -- An Intelligent and Energy-Efficient Wireless Body Area Network to Control Coronavirus Outbreak –
This is what COV-WBAN is. This is all complete bullshit, but let’s see what it says and remember, they always sell it for “Health” purposes, but we know by now that is a lie.

“The literature on epidemics indicates that the early diagnosis of a coronavirus infection can lead to a reduction in mortality rates. To prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from spreading, the regular identification and monitoring of infected patients are needed. In this regard, wireless body area networks (WBANs) can be used in conjunction with machine learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) to identify and monitor the human body for health-related information, which in turn can aid in the early diagnosis of diseases. This paper proposes a novel coronavirus-body area network (CoV-BAN) model based on IoT technology as a real-time health monitoring system for the detection of the early stages of coronavirus infection using a number of wearable biosensors to examine the health status of the patient.”

It says it is for “Early Diagnosis which can Reduce Mortality Rates.” It says “Infected patients must be MONITORED and Identified to prevent infection from spreading.”

Then it says: “The proposed CoV-BAN model is tested with five machine learning-based classification methods, including random forest, logistic regression, Naive Bayes, support vector machine and multi-layer perceptron classifiers, to optimize the accuracy of the diagnosis of COVID-19. For the long-term sustainability of the sensor devices, the development of energy-efficient WBAN is critical. To address this issue, a long-range (LoRa)-based IoT program is used to receive biosensor signals from the patient and transmit them to the cloud directly for monitoring.” -- Biomedical Engineering ranging from Wellness to Intensive Care -- This was from a conference in Berlin in July of 2019.

Let’s look at the themes:
01. Biomedical Signal Processing
02. Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing
03. Micro/Nano-bioengineering and Cellular/Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
04. Computational Systems, Modeling and Simulation in Medicine, Multiscale Modeling, Synthetic Biology
05. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Engineering
06. Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering
07. Biomedical Sensors and Wearable Systems
08. Bio-Robotics and Biomechanics
09. Therapeutic and Diagnostic Systems and Technologies
10. Biomedical and Health Informatics
11. Biomedical Engineering Education and Society
12. Translational Engineering for Healthcare Innovation and Commercialization
13. Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Delivery Systems
14. Smart Implants

*Note: they will sell this first as “Wearables”, then as “Implantables” and finally will graduate into making your body the network – which it ALREADY is. It has been for 25 YEARS already and people think that biosensors and nano-networks are impossible and they have to be a “conspiracy theory”.

All the links are included, did in for yourselves. Nothing is hidden, they believe we are too stupid to find it and even if we do, we will never figure it out. They have to condition the imbelic medical field at their learning level and persuade them that it is for health and in no way for any other purpose. The medical field is taught to listen to their “Peer Reviewed Science” which these evil inbreds have complete control of...they control the funding, choose where it goes, who it goes to and they make sure the “scientific results” fit their agenda.

The sensors are IN you, the receivers - nano-antennas, transmitters and amplifiers are IN you in multiple chakra locations which harvest YOUR Energy.

Think Digital Twin – that is what you are on their main computer. It will likely take decades for the regular public to figure this out if ever. But that is what is going on with these hoarders of high technologies.

They can play you like a fiddle. They can read your conscious. They can input signals and receive signals obviously.

Whenever you see the word Non-Invasive Neural Modulation – it means controlling your nerves – neurons wirelessly with frequencies.

What went up during the lockdowns? 5G. It is just one way to monitor us. I believe the 5G was in case we ceased to consent to the jabs, or as a backup. Because our bodies will now be the TOWERS. They are the whole deal, the entire network. The WBAN. That is exactly what is going on.

I don’t know how far they really are, but they want to have complete control of us and PROGRAM a Hive like mentality or behavior. They want us all connected and acting as ONE.

Jabs serves as a multi-purpose to depopulate, insure we are a constant customer to big pharma and to inject more building materials – “Meta-Materials” for the networks and sensors.

Top 5 Biomedical Signal Processing Topics
1. Implantation of Microelectronic Devices
2. Detection of Cancerous Cells using AI
3. Processing and Analysis of Medical Image
4. Controlling and Instrumentation Applications Smart Biosensing
5. Optimization and Storage of Medical Signals

Use your imagination on how all of this could be MAJORLY misused, which it will – count on it.

When you see the word Nanotechnology, think Graphene. They are attacking our brains with nanotechnologies. -- Magnetic Vortex Nanodiscs Enable Remote Magnetomechanical Neural Stimulation -- “Magnetic nanomaterials in magnetic fields can serve as versatile transducers for remote interrogation of cell functions.” “When a vortex configuration of spins is present in magnetic nanomaterials, it enables rapid control over their magnetization direction and magnitude. The vortex configuration manifests in near zero net magnetic moment in the absence of a magnetic field, affording greater colloidal stability of magnetic nanomaterials in suspensions. Together, these properties invite the application of magnetic vortex particles as transducers of externally applied minimally invasive magnetic stimuli in biological systems.”

So what if you can inject nanomaterials in “medicines”, can they be internal transducers? Hmm. -- check some of the products you can get from BrainMaster. -- March 14, 2022: Unifire, inc. and Nugen M.D. enter into master distribution and marketing agreement for leading-edge Needle-Free Injection device – unifire to focus on distribution to government agencies and humanitarian efforts. *Yeah, to “Government Agencies” for Humanitarian Purposes. Ok.

NuGen M.D. (TSX-V: NGMD) (“NuGen“), an emerging specialty medical device company focused on developing and commercializing novel drug delivery technologies. Unifire has been granted exclusive rights to sell NuGen’s needle-free injection device InsuJet™ into various US Government agencies and non-exclusive rights to sell into Government agencies in Israel and Australia.

NuGen InsuJet™ needleless injection system is a revolutionary needle-free way to inject medication or vaccines.

*Note: They will sell this device to “Government Agencies” as it was the governments who really sold the vaccines. This will be for vaccines. They use sound frequency to blast the medicine into the body with no need for a needle.

Trust me, this is possible. I was a biopharm investor and knew about this ten years ago.

They will sell this to the Department of Defense in the United States as that department of course is there to “defend” and “protect” Americans. ****BULLSHIT it is!

They will also sell it to DARPA, the VA and to DHS – Department of Health and Human Services – which will provide some “healthy solutions” to their select groups they are in charge of promoting their fear and lies that if you don’t take this jab solution you will put yourself and others in danger. It’s all about your “well-being.”

Reasons they will push this:

1. Provides faster absorption of medicine than hypodermic needles
2. Reduces fear and anxiety associated with hypodermic needles
3. Eliminates needlestick injuries
4. Reduces the risk of cross-contamination and infections
5. Reduces cost burdens on the health care system

6. Reduces cost for patients

7. Reduces biohazard waste -- Deployable CRISPR-CAS13a diagnostic tools to detect and report Ebola and Lassa Virus cases in real time – Oh good, something to diagnose some more viruses.

“Recent outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs), including Ebola virus disease (EVD) and Lassa fever (LF), highlight the urgent need for sensitive, deployable tests to diagnose these devastating human diseases. Here we develop CRISPR-Cas13a-based (SHERLOCK) diagnostics targeting Ebola virus (EBOV) and Lassa virus (LASV), with both fluorescent and lateral flow readouts. We demonstrate on laboratory and clinical samples the sensitivity of these assays and the capacity of the SHERLOCK platform to handle virus-specific diagnostic challenges. We perform safety testing to demonstrate the efficacy of our HUDSON protocol in heat-inactivating VHF viruses before SHERLOCK testing, eliminating the need for an extraction. We develop a user-friendly protocol and mobile application (HandLens) to report results, facilitating SHERLOCK’s use in endemic regions. Finally, we successfully deploy our tests in Sierra Leone and Nigeria in response to recent outbreaks.”

Yes, we desperately – “urgently” need deployable tests to detect the viruses they already KNOW they when and where they will release. How convenient. Anyway, it sounds like Ebola and Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers like Dengue Fever, Marburg and Lassa will soon be propagated on the news. Here is a link to CDC’s Hemorrhagic Fevers --

“PCR-based diagnostics are sensitive and can be rapidly developed for emerging or mutating viruses but they are not practical as a point-of-care test.” *Are they admitting that PCR tests don’t work?

“The recently developed CRISPR-based SHERLOCK (Specific High-sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter unLOCKing) platform provides a promising approach for rapidly adaptable, deployable diagnostics. SHERLOCK utilizes the RNA-targeting protein Cas13a for sensitive and specific detection of viral nucleic acid pairs isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) with crRNA-guided Cas13a detection, which enables specific pairing of Cas13a with the target sequence and signal amplification via Cas13’s collateral cleavage activity. Both amplification and Cas13a-based detection are isothermal, requiring only a low-energy, single-temperature heat block and basic pipette and tips, compatible with point-of-care detection. SHERLOCK can be combined with HUDSON (Heating Unextracted Diagnostic Samples to Obliterate Nucleases), which inactivates pathogens and releases nucleic acid through a combined heat and chemical denaturation, eliminating the need for a column- or bead-based nucleic acid extraction14. Our recent work has shown the high sensitivity of SHERLOCK and HUDSON in detecting Zika virus and dengue virus directly from bodily fluids, allowing for a fully point-of-care diagnostic. Utilizing this system, we develop a diagnostic test for EBOV and LASV that can be deployed in any setting, requires minimal processing of infectious materials, and accurately reports test results in a user-friendly format.”

Sabrina Wallace explains how they monitor your DNA wirelessly with the aid of optogenetics and infrared.

The way I see this is that they will use this “elaborate” diagnostic test just as they did the PCR test and it will be inaccurate and used when they want to TARGET someone to receive a POSITIVE diagnosis and the way I view this is it can be in REAL Time.

This is using biosensors, nanotech and we are connected to the Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System. That is what this is all about. We are being watched and monitored ALL the time.

This is where we are at NOW, not where we are going. They just have to slowly condition their Medical Minions in the right direction. Many are too dumb to even realize they have been working for an evil group of people / entities who have brainwashed them into believing it is for the BEST of the people and for “health” purposes. Just as many Catholics have no idea that the Popes are not really Christian, but they will figure this out soon as they are not really hiding it much anymore.

So, what is a Sherlock CRISPR Assay? SHERLOCK is a method for single molecule detection of nucleic acid targets. It works by programming special CRISPR-Cas enzymes to detect the presence of a specific nucleic acid signature in a sample through 'smart amplicon’detection.

Wait, are they saying enzymes can be programmable? YES. Old News. Wake up.

They are running Computer Networking through the Human Body folks. They are diagnosing you, infecting you and treating you on a CELLULAR Level and doing it remotely / wirelessly. That is what WBAN is ALL about.

The politicians that are responsible for passing laws and regulations on this stuff are WAY too stupid to even grasp the tiniest concept of what they are doing, they are just following orders from the hierarchy and are likely blackmailed. This is way above their paygrade. They are just little puppets being pulled by the strings of the globalists, just as the medical field is and then you have the 501(c) churches that are doing their part in the “promotion of health.” They don’t know what they are doing and they probably believe to some extent they are doing what’s right. Literally, no one or very, very few know what’s going on. They are just HAPPY because they are respected and receive excellent pay.

This the what the New Era or the NWO or the One World Order is all about. It is about deceiving the masses into believing good is evil and evil is good. Their goal is to invert reality.

What is the Internet of Behaviors (IoB)? Internet of Behaviors platforms aggregate data from different sources, such as IoT sensors, social media, online stores, etc. This data is analyzed in light of behavioral psychology to discover behavior patterns.

This is all part of the WBAN also. All part of the monitoring system. The system of control. Notice it says IoT – Internet of Things Sensors. You will be observed inside and out for the rest of your days.

The IoB is really a system grading your behavior. If you are a good little boy or girl and you go to your brainwashed doctor and get your “healthy jabs” every 3 months, you will be rewarded.

This will correlate with the Digital Banking and Currency system they will be deploying. They will have complete control of your bank accounts. Ole Saint Nick – the “devil” will be watching you and if you are not behaving to their “community standards” you will be penalized.

Here is a quote from Forbes -- – Titled “The Internet Of Behavior Is The Next Trend To Watch” -- Quote: “The Internet of Behavior (IoB) - IoB offers a revolutionary way to monitor, control and model human behavior. As tech leaders in this ever-evolving industry, we must stay ahead of upcoming trends so that we can take advantage of its many benefits.”

They usually don’t spell it out and spoon feed you like this, but that is pretty simple to comprehend what they are doing here.

They must take advantage of its many BENEFITS. Yes, let’s take advantage of this technology to control the sheep.

Quote from the Forbes article: “IoB is a system that uses sensors and other technologies to monitor, analyze and predict human behavior. It combines artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data analytics, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, mobile applications, wearable devices, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), robotics automation systems and more into one comprehensive platform for collecting behavioral data from individuals or groups. The collected data can then be used for various purposes such as predictive analytics or automated decision-making processes.”

Yes, “predict human behavior using AI” – now they are playing real life “Minority Report”, they are playing the “Pre-Cog” game in which you can be arrested for a crime that the AI believes you will commit in the future.

Nanotechnology can’t exist, right? Then why do we have a ??? -- The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1 5C World – This is basically your Smart City Plan. The Agenda 30 and Agenda 50 Plan. It is really the PRISON System they have planned for us in the future in which we literally will own nothing but as Klaus Schwab says “you will own nothing and you will be happy.”

They are doing this Agenda because we are the ones ruining the world, not them with their Chemtrails and dumping poisons into the rivers, lakes and seas. You have to read some of this incredible bullshit that they really have planned for us. It is a foundation of lies, but of course they will sell it to us as we must do this for the Mother Earth.

If people don’t believe that they believe we are nothing but animals that go bahahahaaaa after taking a look at this, then maybe you are a leaderless, helpless, lost sheep. It is unbelievable what they have planned. They want to control travel, what you eat, what you wear, where you go, what you buy, how you use your rentals, etc.

It is almost 2024 and they want this to be a DONE Deal by 2050 – just 26 years.
ALL of this depends on the success of the Wireless Body Area Network.

When you take a look at the Sources listed below, notice how many are Government and National Institute of Health. -- Quantum dots provide an optical signal specific to full collapse fusion of synaptic vesicles.

“Synaptic vesicles are responsible for releasing neurotransmitters and are thus essential to brain function. The classical mode of vesicle recycling includes full collapse of the vesicle into the plasma membrane and clathrin-mediated regeneration of a new vesicle.”

What are Quantum Dots? A quantum dot is a nanoscale particle of semiconducting material that can be embedded in cells or organisms for various experimental purposes, such as labeling proteins.

What is Clathrin? Clathrin is a molecular scaffold for vesicular uptake of cargo at the plasma membrane, where it assembles into cage like lattices. It is made inside the body, it is a natural protein, it is used a carrier, commonly used for quantum dot transportation.

Clathrin is not the only carrier of quantum dot nanoparticles.

Dynamin is also a carrier of quantum dots. Dynamin is a GTPase (enzymes that bind to the nucleotide guanosine triphosphate -GTP) responsible for endocytosis (bringing substances into the cell) in the eukaryotic cell (cell with a nucleus).

Quantum Dots have a lot to do with Precision Drug Delivery. Quantum Dots are wrapped with many different kinds of Ligands (binding receptors – cells or binding at the receptor site of a cell). -- Quantum Dots Labeling & Conjugation Kits -- “CD Bioparticles has successfully developed ready to use quantum dots labeling & conjugation kits with highly efficient and site-specific labeling and conjugating abilities.”

Conjugation Kits – just means combining Quantum Dots with many different CARRIERS, as a couple mentioned above.

Types of Nanoparticles:
1. Agarose
2. Spherical Gold Nanoparticles
3. Gold Nanorods
4. Silver Nanoparticles
5. Silica Particles
6. Quantum Dots
7. Upconverting Nanoparticles
8. Titania Nanoparticles
9. Polymer Particles
10. Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes

Magnetic Particles – remember seeing videos of magnets sticking to covid vax injection sites?

1. Active Magnetic Particles – Aldehyde, Alkyne, Amine, Azide, Borinic acid, Bromoacetyl, Carboxyl, Chitosan, Co-Charged, Cyanuric, DBCO, DOTA, Epoxy, Ethers, Hydrazide, Hydroxyl, IDA, Iodoacetyl, Maleimide, NHS-activated, Ni-Charged, NTA, Polyglutaraldehyde(PGL), Silanol, Sulfonic, Thiol, Titania, Tosyl, and PEG.

2. Affinity Magnetic Particles -- Affinity magnetic particles can be used for affinity purification and separation of antibody, antigen, proteins and DNA/RNA, etc. Affinity magnetic particles have high selectivity and capacity which make them ideal tools for the separation of various biomolecules. Affinity Magnetic particles include: Antibody, Avidin, Benzylguanine, Biotin, BSA, Chitin, Glutathione, Heparin, Lectin, Oligo(dT), Phospholipid, Poly's L-Lysine, Protein, Protein A, Protein G, Protein L, Streptavidin, Protease, Transferrin, Protein A/G, and Strep-Tactin

Some of these are purchased by Big Pharma and used in their healthy jabs.

Software Defined Metamaterials -- “Metamaterials are artificial structures with properties that may not be found in nature. Since their initial advent, they have inspired ground-breaking applications to a range of research topics, such as electromagnetic invisibility of objects (cloaking), radiation absorption, filtering of light and sound as well as efficient antennas for sensors and implantable communication devices in recent years. However, existing metamaterial structures are "rigid", i.e. they cannot be restructured once constructed. This trait limits their fabrication to some well-equipped laboratories worldwide, slows down innovation, and, most importantly, restricts their applicability to static structures only. The proposed SDMs act as "plastic" (reconfigurable) metamaterials, whose attributes can be changed programmatically via a computer interface. This control is achieved by a network of nanomachines, incorporated into the structure of the metamaterial. The nanomachines may receive commands from the user and perform simple, yet geometrically-altering, actions on the metamaterial profile and tuning of its electromagnetic behavior.”

This has to do with Transhumanism, turning humans into half machine.
SDM-based BAN Node – you are a node and you are composed of multiple “Nano-Nodes.”

Specialty Wireless Sensor Networks -- IEEE 802.15.5 -- provides the architectural framework enabling WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) devices to promote interoperable, stable, and scalable wireless mesh networking. This standard is composed of two parts: low-rate WPAN mesh and high-rate WPAN mesh networks. The low-rate mesh is built on IEEE 802.15. -- Quantum dot encapsulation in virus-like particles with tuneable structural properties and low toxicity -- “A simple method for the encapsulation of quantum dots (QDs) in virus-like particle (VLP) nanoassemblies with tuneable structural properties and enhanced biocompatibility.
VLP = Virus Like Particles.

They are encapsulating Quantum Dots in VLP’s – they can be set off with “Tuneable” structural properties. So, I am just guessing that they encapsulate nanoparticles and quantum dots or bind them with magnetic and they can be mechanically controlled through frequency from Optogenetics and other devices.

Types of Quantum Dots: Graphene, Carbon and Carbonized Polymere.

All of these are the pieces of one huge computer network in YOUR Body. They can TUNE into specific biosensors in specific locations and communicate with that particular biosensor without any interference from other biosensors in the body.

All of the 802’s communicate with each other and report back to the whole personal area network 802.15.6 – the WBAN.

802.15.6 – represents the whole body – the WBAN – the Wireless Body Area Network
802.15.4 – are the biosensors and nanonodes inside the body
802.15.5 – the outside of the body network controller.

They all communicate with each other in multiple wave frequencies and bands,

This is what our beloved government, specifically the NSA – National Security Agency is not telling us. All the 3 letter agencies are bad. The NSA is just the God Father. -- A Systematic Review of Bio-Cyber Interface Technologies and Security Issues for Internet of Bio-Nano Things - *Note: You can download the PDF. This goes through the Computer Networks of the Human Body.

The above PDF / article also covers “Communication Mechanisms for the Internet of Connectivity of Bio-Electronic Devices

IEEE 802.15.6 STANDARD – from PDF

“The rapid popularity of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and Consumer Electronics called for a standard communication medium to address the special needs of the WBANs such as low power, low cost, low complexity, high throughput and short-range wireless communication in and around the human body. IEEE standards association established the IEEE 802.15 Task Group 6 for the standardization of WBAN. It quotes: ‘The IEEE 802.15 Task Group 6 (BAN) is developing a communication standard optimized for low power devices and operation on, in or around the human body (but not limited to humans) to serve a variety of applications including medical, consumer electronics personal entertainment and other’ [IEEE 802.15 WPAN Task Group 6 Body Area Networks. 2011]. IEEE.802.15.6 has different frequency bands in different countries ranging from 16- 27 MHz.”

They make it sound like the it is for external devices. NO, it is for your whole body, inside and out and it is wireless and has multiple frequency bands.

Cognitive City – the Smart City for your Digital Twin. Have a look for yourself and make form your own opinion:
Many will still not believe or even attempt to understand as they believe that we have people in high places to do that. BULLSHIT we do.

The average representative and politician won’t come near this and definitely won’t acknowledge it. We have a bunch of people who only care about being re-elected because being a good obeying politician is very rewarding in many different ways.
As long as the people are quiet, they remain quiet. It is US, the little ones who have to make the noise.

First we have to see what’s going on right before us. It really is incredible that no one has said anything, but I believe that is because most, including, the higher ups in society just have NO freaking clue that we have a Shadow Secret Government that is running this most inhumane program.

Wake up. Learn. Make some Noise.

Sources Discussed: – Mik Andersen’s 39 articles in English: Graphene injections and intra-corporeal nano-communications network – Google Search for Biomedical Signals that can be Measured Wirelessly from the Human Body – Artificial Intelligence BioMedical Circuits And Systems For Health -- October 19 - 21, 2023 – Nano-Antennas for Biosensors and Implantable Communication Devices on Nano-Networks. – EECORONA: Energy Efficiency Coordinate and Routing System for Nanonetworks -- An Intelligent and Energy-Efficient Wireless Body Area Network to Control Coronavirus Outbreak -- Biomedical Engineering ranging from Wellness to Intensive Care -- Metamaterials: Definitions, properties, applications, and FDTD-based modeling and simulation (Invited paper) -- Recent advances in metamaterials for simultaneous wireless information and power transmission -- Living robots made in a lab have found a new way to self-replicate, researchers say -- Ultrasonic Neuromodulation and Sonogenetics: A New Era for Neural Modulation – National Nanotechnology Initiative -- Magnetothermal genetic deep brain stimulation of motor behaviors in awake, freely moving mice -- Magnetic Vortex Nanodiscs Enable Remote Magnetomechanical Neural Stimulation -- check some of the products you can get from BrainMaster. -- Unifire, inc. and Nugen M.D. enter into master distribution and marketing agreement for leading-edge Needle-Free Injection device – unifire to focus on distribution to government agencies and humanitarian efforts -- Deployable CRISPR-CAS13a diagnostic tools to detect and report Ebola and Lassa Virus cases in real time -- CDC’s Hemorrhagic Fevers List -- SHERLOCK: nucleic acid detection with CRISPR nucleases -- Scientists unveil CRISPR-based diagnostic platform -- Policy Challenges of Accelerating Technological Change: Security Policy and Strategy Implications of Parallel Scientific Revolutions -- The Internet of Behavior is the Next Trend to Watch -- The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1 5C World -- Quantum dots provide an optical signal specific to full collapse fusion of synaptic vesicles. -- Labeling Neuronal Proteins with Quantum Dots for Single-Molecular Imaging -- Quantum Dots Labeling & Conjugation Kits -- Software Defined Metamaterials -- Quantum dot encapsulation in virus-like particles with tuneable structural properties and low toxicity -- Effect of the nano/microscale structure of biomaterial scaffolds on bone regeneration -- A Systematic Review of Bio-Cyber Interface Technologies and Security Issues for Internet of Bio-Nano Things - *Note: You can download the PDF. This goes through the Computer Networks of the Human Body. and PDF -- Routing Protocols for Wireless Nanosensor Networks and Internet of Nano Things: A Comprehensive Survey -- Cognitive City -- Bidirectional Remote Deep Brain Control with Magnetic Anisotropic Nanomaterials

Video Source: nonvaxer20 --

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