BREAKING NEWS: Trump Kicked Off Colorado's 2024 Ballot Under 14th Amendment 1 hour ago

6 months ago

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Kicked Off Colorado's 2024 Ballot Under 14th Amendment 1 hour ago
Colorado Kangaroo Court Attack. Moving to the Supreme Court
December 19, 2023 1 hour ago
Forbes Breaking News
(Did you know the 14th Amendment was NEVER Legally Ratified? I believe it was 13 States Dissented, and were then Ruled to be in Rebellion and were Voting Rights Were Removed)
Former President Trump will not make it onto Colorado’s 2024 primary ballot, the state’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday, the first court ruling to find Trump should be disqualified from reelection under the 14th Amendment—and ensuring it’s all but certain the dispute will make it to the U.S. Supreme Court.
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