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15 seconds

Blessing same-gender unions • Living in harmony with nature • Modernism & Postmodernism • Homeopathy

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Francis OK's blessing same-gender unions? Living in harmony with nature: Catholic or Neo-Pagan? Synod holds personal faith experiences as divine revelation? From Modernism to Postmodernism: glorifying disorder. Traditional Catholicism: conviction, not mere reaction. Homeopathy: exciting "vital energies"?

This episode was livestreamed on 12/19/2023


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  • Although I do not recall all the intricacies and terminology, a renowned homeopath that worked in western Canada considered the scientific and rational explanation for the efficacy of homeopathic remedies to be that the correct remedy provided instructions to the body's cells to restore healthy function -- for example, enhancing sodium potassium channel pump function, correcting protein folding errors etc.

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  • Homeopathy never worked for me, ever. Herbs (Oil of Oregano ~ P73 especially for flu, colds, etc.), fasting ( tea all day, no food whatsoever), good organic local food, meat, etc. These have always worked for me. Aside from our vitamin drips when we had COVID-19, which kicked the illness out in HOURS!!! Also, NAD + seems to work intravenously. There are many remedies we can use rather than drugs!