Dr John R Rice -- Bring America Back To God

1 year ago

Luke 8:35, "Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid."

We see in Luke 8:35 that even those possessed of demons come into their RIGHT MIND, and put their clothes back on, when they trustingly sit at the feet of Jesus Christ.

Americans have lost their minds! Any society that murders its babies by abortion is mentally-ill. We've now quietly passed the 50,000,000 mark for babies murdered. Only a mentally-ill person would sincerely expect God to bless a nation as sinful, rebellious, arrogant, thankless and wicked as the United States of America. Mentally-ill people sell diced up baby parts. Americans are out of their minds!

How do we show our appreciation to God for our freedoms? We teach our children that they originated from stardust, formed into slime and then somehow evolved from primitive mindless creatures into intelligent human beings. Only a complete idiot would even try to legitimize such nonsense. Only a mentally-ill person could believe that there's any truth to the bogus claims of evolutionists, especially considering that there's not even one credible shred of evidence to support it. The Bible makes more sense than any secular explanation for the origin of the universe... “In the beginning God” (Genesis 1:1a).

Any society that legalizes porno, gives honor awards to pornographers and recognizes porno as a legitimate business is mentally-ill. Tragically, pornography has become a multibillion dollar lucrative industry in the United States. And now the sickos have made their filth accessible from your cellphone. A society which legalizes public nudity is mentally-ill. It would be a blessing if God cursed America, to wake us up!

Only a mentally-ill society praises sexually suggestive music, sang by immoral freakish singers, who hate God and live wicked lives of whoredom and fornication. Madonna has been an icon and role model to tens-of-millions of America's daughters over the years, a sicko freak who published a book called, Sex, in which she is portrayed as receiving oral sex from a dog. Can you honestly tell me with a straight face that American society is not mentally-ill for praising and honoring such a person? Certainly, someone who pretends to receive oral sex from a dog is mentally-ill. Yet people walk around like idiots singing Madonna's hit song, LIKE A VIRGIN, all across America. You mean, like an idiot! I just typed in “Madonna honored” on Google and 362,000 webpages were found. I could list HUNDREDS of groups that have honored Madonna. May I ask, why? Madonna ought to be publicly reprimanded and shamed. Instead, Americans honor her wickedness by playing her music in nearly every workplace, store and public place. This is evil.

I don't judge or condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as rotten, hell-deserving, guilty sinners. I am just saying that Americans who praise sick-minded people are sick-minded people. The naked crazy man in Luke chapter 8 found Jesus Christ, went and put some clothes back on, and then came in his RIGHT MIND and sat down at the feet of Jesus. Amen! When Peter was fishing naked and then saw Jesus, he immediately grabbed his fisherman's coat and jumped into the sea (John 21:7). Jesus is the cure for nudity. In America's mentally-ill society, people are going naked. We've got plenty of religion these days, but America needs Jesus Christ.

People don't care anymore because their hearts are not right with God. As Christians we must look beyond the words and actions of people and consider what is going on in their heart. Because people have forsaken the God of the Bible, they have consequently lost their minds and have become mentally-ill. So don't be surprised when people act weird, don't care, trample upon your feelings, treat you like garbage, slander and persecute you and try to hurt you—they're mentally-ill as part of an entire society that has gone insane. Sin always brings a culture to ruin.

America sat back as poor Terri Schiavo was tortured to death in Florida. If Terri had been a terrorist, mass-murderer or dog, she would have been protected by law against such insane cruelty. Terri's crime was simply being unable to feed herself, and so some mentally-ill judge sentenced her to death. Her family offered to freely take care of Terri in their own home, at no cost to anyone except themselves; yet, our insane American society said, “Crucify her!,” and they did.

I was in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 2008 to see a surgeon about my neck. While there I visited the Marriott hotel to hear some Hawaiian steel guitar. At the end of the performance, everybody began to sing GOD BLESS AMERICA. I was the only one not singing. I noticed a few people giving me dirty looks. I just couldn't sing the song and mean it, for I would have been a partaker of a mentally-ill society that actually expects God to bless this sinful, wicked, filthy, sicko, society that murders it's children; idolizes pornographers like Paris Hilton; allows homosexuals to get married and adopt children; takes God's name in vain in nearly every Hollywood movie produced; and even names one of its biggest cities “SIN CITY!” God bless America? Are you mentally-ill?

I'm actually wondering if Steven Spielberg has ever made any movies that don't use God's name in vain—Independence Day, Jurassic Park, Deep Impact, Jaws... all curse in God's name. It's Hollywood's insignia, to blaspheme the God of the Bible and desecrate the Person of Jesus Christ, and no wonder, because Hollywood is predominantly Jewish and they HATE Jesus Christ. When I went for surgery in July of 2009, I was staying in Hollywood. I saw the big “Hollywood” sign against the mountains. I also saw Jewish temples all over the place. I love Jewish people, and I am NOT anti-Semite, God forbid; but most Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah. This is why Hollywood produces blasphemous movies like SAVED, starring the ever so shameful Mandy Moore. It's one of the sickest, most malicious movies to ever come out of Hollywood. It doesn't come as a big surprise that SAVED movie writer/director Brian Dannelly is a known Homosexual.1

I don't watch TV anymore. It's too corrupt. You can't even watch the news anymore without seeing some miniskirt-wearing-whore, hearing the Devil's Rock 'N' Roll music, seeing sex-perverted commercials, and hearing all sorts of slanderous gossip about people. It's heathendom! I hate the television! Christ-honoring believers call it “hellivision” for a good reason. I don't care who you are, you will always end up watching the programs that you shouldn't be watching. That's the inherent evil sin-nature of mankind. If you allow evil influences into your mind and heart, then they WILL spiritually hurt you. You may not realize it at the time, but it's happening. Images, sounds and ideas are being programmed into your mind for life. Any society that glamorizes and craves bloodthirsty violence on TV is mentally-ill. Something is very wrong with a society that craves every form of sin imaginable on the TV screen. Sad to say, most Americans are mentally-ill. So don't be surprised or upset when Americans act the way they do, they're mentally-ill.

Even Communist China has banned America's filth from coming into their country...

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