1 year ago

Not really "the making of" STRAIGHT TO HELL, more a sentimental trip down memory lane with most of the cast: Sy Richardson, Joe Strummer, Dick Rude, Sue Kiel, Miguel Sandoval, Zander Schloss, Del Zamora et al. Composer Dan Wool, cinematographer Tom Richmond, and grip Shaun Madigan are also present. Towards the end it takes a more serious turn, as Dennis Hopper discusses the difficulty of funding, directing, and distributing independent features.

It was shot by Tod Darling, Tom Richmond and me in 2000 - mostly in the Union Station, downtown Los Angeles. In those days this was one of LA's few available "public spaces." You could sit down and shoot footage with numerous people and no one would bother you. Those seats are roped off and patrolled now.

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