Stop Being So Nice

9 months ago

I can’t even tell you how many times I BEGGED for help and was met with half-assed platitudes and pats on the back.

I’ve lived through my parents devouring 9 children, their grandchildren and their great grandchildren.

I’ve lived through every power structure failing miserably at protection and instead perpetuating abuse. And I ain’t talking collective stuff, I’m talking my own horror movie of a life, all my siblings, all my nieces and nephews, never getting the help we really needed and instead enabling those who abused us to keep abusing us.

No child should ever have to live through ONE of the events we did, let alone a whole lifetime of them.

The system is broken
It doesn’t work at all
And it hasn’t for a long time

My personal feeling on why: too many good people being too damn nice to abusers, minimizing the victim, and thereby ENABLING the abuser to keep abusing.

Guess what’s not nice? Feeling like there’s no way out because society is so ill equipped to care for the vulnerable, so you stay in an abusive relationship till you’re almost dead, only to be met with an immature community that still feels you should have some understanding for the one that abused you.

Stop it with the cognitively dissonant comments because it’s LITERALLY harming and killing.

Soul Much Love starts January 11 and in here you will learn to finally stand up for yourself and heal.

Limited to 8 participants, application required.

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