Maharishikaa | Relieving Kundalini Awakening Pain

5 months ago

With practically no sleep for seven months, a man with a spontaneous Kundalini disturbance - erroneously commonly referred to as a Kundalini awakening - finds relief from extreme pain and other severe symptoms, after asking his question in the public Satsang.

This video gives a glimpse of Maharishikaa’s new knowledge about the little understood phenomenon of the disturbed Kundalini Shakti, and its impact on the nervous system.

Maharishikaa explains the nature of Kundalini Shakti and why this disturbance happens. She shows the man a simple Kriya that can greatly relieve the pain of the disturbed Kundalini Shakti.

If you know of anyone suffering from the symptoms of a disturbed Kundalini - Kundalini Awakening- or nervous disorders which neurologists have been unable to diagnose, please share this video with them.

Knowing about the importance of even simple physical Surrender can bring immense relief to those who suffer from these inexplicable symptoms.

If you wish to donate towards making new knowledge about the disturbed Kundalini available to the world, please email us at

#Maharishikaa #KundaliniDisturbance #SurrenderKriya

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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