Must See Movie: “Let My People Go” – Produced by Professor David Clements

6 months ago

"This film will make you laugh, cry, and impact those that watch like nothing before produced to protect our country and learn important proofs to stand up for our constitutional rights!" - Connie Reinke

Steve Bannon calls the film “magnificent” and “epic.”

The film’s synopsis states: “Let My People Go” is a modern-day deliverance story that presents two overlapping narratives of America’s enslavement.  The first form of slavery is invisible, and achieved by the deep state’s use of proprietary “black box machines” and rigged election software, where perception is altered, and swamp candidates are selected rather than elected.  The second form of slavery focuses on the real-life consequences of the hundreds of thousands of Americans that gathered and protested the stolen Nov. 3rd election, many of which are imprisoned today.”

It opens with a fully animated and humorous propaganda trailer, much in the style of South Park, which sarcastically embraces all the mainstream talking points about how “safe and secure” our elections are.  The trailer represents “the feed” responsible for keeping the American public asleep to their enslavement.  Interviews with J6 families being terrorized by the FBI are highlighted throughout the film.  Professor Clements and the nation’s leading election experts, some with the highest national security clearances in the country, challenge the various myths, lies, and half-truths asserted in the propaganda trailer in devastating fashion, leading any objective viewer to the conclusion that our elections are wholly rigged.  The film ends with a triumphant vision to restore our elections and free the J6 political prisoners before it’s too late.

Watch the trailer -

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