BURNWOOD BUSHCRAFT 3.4 - Zebra Billy Pot Test - Bush Camp Overnighter

1 year ago

Originally Published on YouTube on July 23, 2018

In this episode of Base Camp Series 3, a brand new billy pot gets the test. I see how long it takes for a full pot of water to boil. The plastic locking clips were no match for the fire. After a little pyro fun I over night to be awaked by pounding rain on the shelter's metal roof. #bushcraft #bushcamp #billypot

My name is Ryan and welcome to BURNWOOD BUSHCRAFT. I do outdoor stuff on YouTube and Rumble. Husband, Father, Patriot.

I am posting a lot of my old YouTube content here on Rumble in an effort to assemble my entire body of work. Hopefully Rumble will offer a playlist/organization option soon.

My old videos are kind of rough and cringe worthy in my opinion, haha. I still want all my past videos to be here on this platform. You will see a mix of new content and old.

Thanks for following along with me on this journey.

If you enjoy watching videos like this you may also be interested in:

hiking ,fishing backpacking, survival, bushcraft, camping, prepping, primitive skills, outdoor cooking, campfire cooking, outdoor gear, camping gear, fire starting, EDC, wilderness, military surplus, military gear, us modular sleep system, gortex bivy, sleeping bag, tarp setup, wild camping, stealth camping, free camping, tarp camping, tarp tent, wild edibles, tarp camping, tarp shelter, winter camping, stealth camping, bug out bag, bug out camp

Contact Info:

My 2nd channel:
BURNWOOD CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips, smoking and grilling meat and more.

Watch me on Rumble!

"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open."

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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