More and More Seeing the Lies of Tyrant RINO Jeff Dewit

5 months ago

All throughout the state of Arizona, more and more are seeing the lies and propaganda of Tyrant Dictator RINO Jeff Dewit

At the risk of being labeled an Agitator or Disruptor:
I am asking everyone to consider signing my petition to restore fairness and decorum within the
Republican Party.
I believe the AZ GOP has been responsible for enabling this division and public infighting.
Candace Czarny actually sued Craig Berland. When it looked like the case would not go
forward Jeff DeWit, on AZGOP letterhead, wrote a 2 page letter to the judge begging to have the case
I have the letter with me. Read it for yourselves.
They lost the case but refuse to accept it.
It is bad enough that one Republican volunteer sued another Republican volunteer, but
we now have the state party leader supporting this action! That is the most concerning.

07:27:40 From Tony and Elaine to Everyone:

My petition asks AZGOP to take 3 actions:
1. Change the website to name Bob Gomez as LD3 chair.
Gomez was elected in March with a quorum in a lawful election.
Those PCs who showed up to vote for new leadership are being disenfranchised by State
2. Stop tolerating smear and slander against good Republicans by leaders of our party.
3. Take legal action to shut down a Rumble page slandering our county leadership.
Thank You.

Also included the petition, the Disruptor rumble page screen shot I want taken down, the letter to the judge,

Here is a link to the October Judge's decision. sounds to me like judge is slamming DeWit for bringing
a nothing burger case to him. I wonder how much DeWit paid (or did AZGOP pay) the attorney for this
legal advice to convince judge to hear a case with no merit?

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