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15 seconds

The RSB Show 12-19-23 - Dr. Sheila Furey, Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, Kristen Christy, Recognizing your potential, Phytolacca, Obesity

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TODAY ON THE ROBERT SCOTT BELL SHOW: Global warming breaths, Dr. Sheila Furey, Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, Taking Control of Your Family’s Health, Homeopathic Hits – Phytolacca, Obesity epidemic, Kristen Christy, Recognizing your potential, Suicide prevention, Patients’ perspectives, Doctor Barbie diversity and MORE! http://www.robertscottbell.com/natural-remedies/global-warming-breaths-dr-sheila-furey-virginia-medical-freedom-alliance-taking-control-of-your-familys-health-homeopathic-hits-phytolacca-obesity-epidemic-kristen-christy-recognizi/


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