084 Sugar Man - A Rushing Mountain Stream...It's Rather Serene (part 1) > > > Subsistence

1 year ago

Sugar Man needs to boost his pearl supply, before the new update changes the parts list for making circuit boards. Change is coming, folks. Do you have enough circuit boards? Where will we go to look for more pearl? We will go to Pearl Cove, of course.

There are cools things to share. Like, learning some new tricks with campfires. While poking around we pick up all sorts of bits and bobs. The funny thing that always takes up so much time is collecting all the bountiful loot out there. What a non-problem to have, eh?

Look for video 085 in a matter of hours after you first see this episode. Have a great week-before Christmas, everyone. God Bless you and yours.

Come for the fun. Stay for the love.

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