Hunt Cabins Instead of Sheds! (Using a Drone)

4 months ago

Many spend time in the off-season hunting for antler sheds, but there are also numerous, long-abandoned trapper's cabins located all over; many of them forgotten. One thing I've discovered is that First Nations and other communities are very interested in finding structures and other artifacts like these so they can be recorded and marked for protection and historical reference. So, if you're looking for reasons to get out in the bush during the hunting off-season, this is something you could consider doing instead of (or in addition to) hunting for antler sheds. The discoveries you make and share will be appreciated by local communities.

Drones, while not exactly cheap, are within the price range of many individuals now and their operation is not that difficult, thanks to their advanced sensing technology. I hope that, after viewing this video, some of you will be incentivized to explore using them. Another benefit is you will learn new things about your favourite hunting spots - things like where game trails, hidden clearings and water bodies are located.

In this video, my grandson and I search for an abandoned trapper's cabin that, according to stories shared by elderly residents of the area, is located somewhere on our trapline. The drone used is a "DJI Mini 3" (a "Mini 4" has recently become available too). It's built-in camera works on a gimble, so you can point it straight down into the trees from above as you fly and it captures footage in 4K resolution, so you can see plenty of detail from high above the trees.

Myself, I'm not into shed hunting per se, but I do want to locate and document as many historical features on our trapline as possible; both for the reasons already stated and as a means of protecting certain areas from future logging operations. Indeed, if, as a trapper, one finds something of historical significance, excavations and inspection of the site will result in the trapper being paid to be present while such work is performed, so there could be a financial benefit as well.

It's always good to know your hunting area or trapline better anyway. Travel by foot or ATV is still important, but you can cover very large areas rapidly using a drone traveling at 10 m/sec! This video helps show how it's done - including how to navigate your drone back to you, even though you are miles away, surrounded by dense bush.

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00:00 - Intro
00:26 - Mission Description
01:03 - Getting to Search Area
01:55 - Sending Drone On Search
02:50 - What the Drone Controller Sees
04:39 - Heading to Possible Cabin Location
05:51 - Recognizable Clearing
06:52 - Exploring Point
08:21 - Using Drone Map To Return
09:01 - Returning To Home Point
10:05 - Landing Drone
12:01 - Ensuring Video Capture Success
12:23 - Concluding Remarks
13:41 - Invite To Next Video

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