How the Rockefellers and Globalists Co-opted the Mission of the Church:

1 year ago

How the Rockefellers and Globalists Co-opted the Mission of the Church:

Matthew Spills the Beans on how John D. Rockefeller supported the 1932 “Re thinking Missions” Study that led to reorganizing Mission Boards, Colleges, and Churches.,33009,744802,00.html

Matthew also presents what the founding Missionaries of Minnesota, Dakota Territory (all orthodox missionaries throughout the globe, really) taught. They called the Indian religion “demonic”

Matthew touches on the United Nations, the One World Religion and System of Revelation 13 and 17. A eerie looking statue that was present at the UN.

But MOST IMPORTANLY, our need to bring honor to the ONE TRUE GOD, Jesus Christ.

Don’t miss it.

Matthew Monfore

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