Landser - 10 Kleine Koomie-Schweine

1 year ago

Album: Unknown
Release: Unknown
Track: Unknown

The truth?: Thanks to marxism, unknown.


Ten little commie pigs were to regret it, one went to East Berlin, then there were only nine left.

Nine little commie pigs wanted a street fight, one was hit by the paving stone, so there were only eight left.

Eight little commie pigs wanted to love fags and didn't do "safer sex", so there were only seven left.

Seven little commie pigs were doing "safer sex", one of them broke his condom, then there were only six left.

Six little commie pigs, red down to their stockings, hit on a skinhead, so there were only five left.
Five little commie pigs wanted German beer in our Landser storm bar, there were only four left.

Four little commie pigs, there was also a Muslim who ate a pork sausage, so there were only three left.

Three little commie pigs annoy the police, the warning shot hit the third man, then there were only two left.

Two little commie pigs made redskins, one was accidentally killed by Turks. Hehehe.

A little commie pig, who cares, bought a long rope and took his own life.

Ten little commie pigs fell by the wayside, sing the beautiful song with me: Rotfront perish!

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