Why did I resign as the director of a top US think tank

1 year ago

Video: Why did I resign as the director of a top think tank (Brooking Institute) in the United States and return to HKU? 12.18.23 專訪李成|我為何辭任美國頂級智庫主任回到港大?

Complete story in English & Chinese link http://johnsonwkchoi.com/2023/12/18/why-did-i-resign-as-the-director-of-a-top-think-tank-brooking-institute-in-the-us-and-return-to-hku/

在今年7月正式落戶香港大學擔任香港大學政治與公共行政學系教授、當代中國與世界研究中心創始主任之前,中國問題專家李成在美國學習、工作的時間達38年之久。2006年加入美國知名智庫布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution),2014年成為布魯金斯學會約翰•桑頓中國中心首位華裔主任。


Before settling at the University of Hong Kong in July this year as a professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Hong Kong and founding director of the Centre for Contemporary China and the World, Li Cheng, a China expert, studied and Xi worked in the United States for 38 years. In 2006, he joined the Brookings Institution, a well-known think tank in the United States, and in 2014, he became the first Chinese-American director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution.

Because he has been deeply involved in the United States for many years, Li Cheng's departure is also considered to be the epitome of Chinese and American talents. Earlier, Li Cheng was interviewed by "Hong Kong 01", covering topics such as Sino-US relations, technocrats, and the middle class, which are all areas of Li Cheng's special research, and they are also major propositions related to the present and future.

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