Mother Of 8 Children On Welfare Claims She Can’t Get A Job Because She’s Just Too Good Looking

7 years ago

Notoriously known as “Octomum”, Marie Buchan is making headlines again. This time she’s claiming that she’s unable to get a job in her field due to her good looks. Previously, Marie received flack on certain choices she’s made that include:

Collecting $2,000 dollars a month in benefits
Money used for selfish reasons
Hiring an agent to capitalize her fame
Marie has been criticized by some for “mooching off the system”, as she’s been living off of benefits since she gave birth to her first child at 19.

Though Marie dreams of becoming a mechanic, she claims that she is unable to find work in a field full of men. “They’re not really after me working there, they’re looking for something more,” Marie explained to The Sun.

Marie has made several television appearances voicing her opinions despite some people criticizing her approach.

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