Elaine Beck: Xi Jinping is the worst thing that could happen to the world

6 months ago

12/17/2023【#AMFEST2023】Elaine Beck: The global situation is out of hand! Xi Jinping is the worst thing that could happen to the world, and he is targeting not only the Communist Party, but the United States and the world. I was being watched while teaching English in China and forbidden to talk about God and Jesus. The CCP is to blame for all the evil oppression of young people in China.
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #fentanyl
12/17/2023【#凤凰城烽火行动】伊莱恩·贝克: 全球局势已经失控!习近平是目前世界上最糟糕的事,他的目标不仅是共产党,还有美国和全世界。我在中国教英语时一直被监视,并被禁止谈论上帝和耶稣。中国年轻人受到所有这一切邪恶的压迫都是中共造成的。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #芬太尼

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