1 year ago

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COVID was rolled out in late 2019, early 2020. COVID cases and data were simply using the normal Flu annual cases, they just mirrored the data. The so called “spike” in covid cases used the normal flu data, where the actual flu data for the covid years drastically fell to limited amounts. So where did the flu go, nowhere, we had it all along, they just gave it a new name of Covid-19 and to mass panic the world with their media.

There were also no spikes in deaths compared to prior years, there wasn’t any more deaths than there had been. Did people really die of Covid, or was it the mass panic of the media using the flu as if it were covid.

Covid really took up a lot of your attention, didn't it? How many times did you put a mask on your face? How many times did you refuse to wear a mask? How many times did you have a conversation about masks with somebody else, whether it was a store owner, they want to let you in if you didn't wear it, whether it was your family over there. Well, how many you are so focused on the masks and the COVID and the did that.

Meanwhile deep state in the cabals were being eradicated from the world. So, they did a really good job getting you to look over here, huh? Remember, all my live shows I talked about false flags? What do you think I was referring to? That was all nothing but one big giant look over there while we do this, because we don't want anybody to know that this is happening.

You know what the Rothschild family was worth $600 trillion. That's more than half the world's currency. How do you beat somebody like that if you beat them? By fighting them publicly and letting everybody know that you're do it? No, you don't. You do a covertly, and that's exactly what happened.

The indictments against Trump are about to be thrown out because he is not prosecutable. If they rule him to be prosecutable and he does not have presidential immunity.

If they say Trump doesn't have immunity, what happens to previous presidents, right? That's going to be their reasoning for immunity, so they're going to rule Trump has immunity, and those cases get tossed then.

It's time for Trump to come back. And this whole election to 2024, not happening.

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