MAGA vs. The Uni-Party on FISA for the FBI - Dec. 13, 2023 - Chip Roy & Matt Gaetz

9 months ago

The FBI mob boss, and the Marxists he works for, as well as the RINOs that work with the them, colluded to undermine what THE PEOPLE want. Watch carefully how the legacy Republicans take sides with the Marxist-Democrats against the America First MAGA members of Congress. Donald Trump was spied on with FISA, and now the Deep State scum calls it "702" because everybody knows what FISA is and how the FBI used it against Americans, particularly Trump and his supporters. So when Republicans vote with Democrats to renew this spy tool, what does that say about our Congress who are supposed to protect our Bill of Rights and Civil Rights?

The FBI mob boss ( #FBI director #ChrisWray) never blamed #JoeBiden or the #DHS Secretary #AlejandroMayorkas for the #OpenBorder as a reason for the increased security threat. So why has the threat elevated to the point where the FBI mob boss sees red lights everywhere? Are the #J6ers planning to bust out of the mold-infested D.C. jail to launch another insurrection on the Capital? Have White Supremacists been attacking black, brown, Asian and Jewish people? Have the #MAGA racists, (with their veins bulging in their arms and neck) been extra Islamophobic during the Christmas holiday season? Is #DonaldTrump secretly sending #Qanon code to his followers during his rallies to plan on overturning the next election? Or did the dictator Trump take home America's nuclear codes and sell them to #KimJongUn? Where did all these threats SUDDENLY, almost over night, come from? The FBI director must have a reason for seeing red lights everywhere, or else he wouldn't have scared the Republicans into renewing FISA, right?

#ChipRoy and #MattGaetz are GOP stars (even though Chipper supports DeSantis, but at least Matt supports Trump.)

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