6 months ago

Followup 2nd Audit of West LA construction site
Address: Corner of Pandora and Santa Monica Blvd. LA CA


IDED Companies: ABS SHORING other unknown contractors

No site permit IDing all contractors/developers on display as required by law.

Observed all latino work crew having lunch around corner all suspected illegals except one spokesman able to speak English who was very hostile when I pointed out their de facto discrimination against US citizen white, black and native american english speaking workers.

Observed open gate, with padlock hanging off door unlocked, to sidewalk with approx. 40 ft. open, potentially fatal drop to sunken bottom of excavated worksite.

This was my 2nd audit of this site. One my first check, the gate door was wide open and I told the supervisor to keep it padlocked when not in use and directly attended by site workers.

Note: I just bought a new smartphone and apologize for the audio problem I worked out later. Since this is an important followup on this construction site documenting this crew leaving the gate open again and not employing US white/black workers, I decided it should be posted.

This video also refutes the myth that illegals work harder than Americans. They were too lazy again here to lock the gate while they were eating lunch around the corner. There's several children's centers nearby, seniors and disabled pedestrians that could have easily fallen 40 ft into the sunken worksite
through the open gate with probable fatal results.

As I showed in a recent video, LA building inspectors are refusing to do their jobs and giving corrupt contractors a pass to employ virtually all illegal aliens that are responsible for these dangerous worksites.

On my first audit here, the supervisor had the gate wide open to the street. I told him it must be kept closed and locked with a padlock when not being used. On this 2nd visit, there was a chain and padlock on the gate door but the illegal alien crew having lunch around the corner left it wide open to the street and unlocked seriously endangering passerby on the sidewalk.

US taxpayers are paying a fortune for city services to keep these worksites safe and use legal workers. The actual facts show a totally lawless industry colluding with LA city bureaucrats cheating and defrauding US citizens out of safety and jobs.

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