Cunningham Alteration Confirms Two Oswald's Story - jfk assassination conspiracy

7 months ago

Aug 17, 2022
This is a video I made in 2020. Here, I have redone the graphics to make them nice and clear, and I have left the audio the same, as I don't think I'd do a better job with it now. YouTube's time limit for me forces me to break this up into two parts for the YouTube version.

Warren Commission Clown Jenner craftily gets TEC employee Cunningham to confirm an altered document date in order to discredited Laura Kittrell, whom the Warren Commission ignored. So, it seems, two people really were using Oswald's identity. I would never have heard of Kittrell but for John Armstrong, and these Jenner tricks do confirm the "Harvey And Lee" idea, at least in the particular that there were two different people using Oswald's name.

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