Toddler Imitates His Father Following His Every Move

6 years ago

Children imitate the behavior or mannerisms of their parents' thanks to a basic instinct that is based on the basic instincts that assist personality development. This instinct and this imitation is the reason why we humans live in and form units that share the same behavior, traits etc. It is also how our communication skill are getting developed from the early age. This is why it is important that the parent serves as an example that the child will follow i.e. imitate.

In the first two years of the child's life, the child copies the behavior of adults in a very not-conscious manner, and to the extent that its self-confidence allows. Observations show that babies are more likely to imitate those behaviors that they see more often, that they are more readily exposed to than behaviours, not typical for the environment that surrounds them.

You can really tell that this adorable toddler boy looks up to his dad. Wait a second… he looks up WITH him, looks down WITH him and to the side WITH him. Check out this cute father/son moment where a good-humored toddler boy imitates his dad. If you ask us, this is his funny and clever way of saying “hey dad! Stop paying attention to your laptop and pay attention to me!”

Kids brains are like sponges - they are able to pick up everything they elders do and say. They say the easiest way of teaching a kid to do the right thing is to show it how it’s done, rather than telling the kid to so it, then do the exact opposite when the kid isn’t looking.

Same goes for curse words - everyone knows you should definitely be mindful about what you are saying in front of your kids, because their tiny minds absorb like sponges and you never know when that little verbal indiscretion might come spilling out of innocent little mouths!

This kid might not be imitating dad in a bad way, but we really hope that it would be the dad who learns something from his son. Like how to take some time off and have a nice bit of fun. Work will ways be there, but the best time to catch up with your kid is right now!

Bring up your child by a leading example and remember that childhood memories stick with us for life. The parental example and the way they communicate with the child are fixed forever in its mind and manifested especially strongly when the children themselves become parents. In order not only to raise your children into happy people but also to ensure that a part of your good work will be transferred to your grandchildren, carefully monitor your actions and monitor them today.

What did you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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