Jesus’ 2nd Coming Happened Already (66AD-70AD). Here’s The PROOF!

1 year ago

‘The Jewish War’ by Flavius Josephus (75 AD):

‘The Histories’ by Cornelius Tacitus (100-110 AD):*.html

‘Roman History’ by Cassius Dio
(211-233 AD):*.html

‘The Lives Of The 12 Ceasers’ by Gaius Suetonius (121 AD):*.html

The Cosmic Temple:

When Heaven & Earth Passed Away: Everything Changed

Jesus spoke specifically to his generation about the passing away of “heaven and hell” and the “abomination of desolation”. Modern Christians will interpret this to meaning the end of the physical world, and as a result, continue to wait for an event that we can firmly conclude happened already. I encourage those who disagree with me to read the above NON CHRISTIAN sources, study your Old Testament, research the original language & the timeline of events that is documented to have taken place. I’m strongly believe it’ll lead you to the same conclusion as it left me.
#endtimes #secondcoming #antichrist #prophecy

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