Big Data Knows ALL About You

8 months ago

John Stossel

The government is tracking you.

Here's HOW they do it and WHY you should care.

@NaomiBrockwellTV has a popular YouTube channel where she points out that the government constantly spies on us, using data that apps collect via our phones.

But these apps "make my life easier," I push back,"Convenience matters!"

"But privacy is important," explains Brockwell. "The government is purchasing all this data about us. They're creating records about all of us, and that's a really scary thing."

"That data is forever...You have no control over what societal norms might change in the next 10 years and that data suddenly becomes incriminating. You're basically making a bet that you and the people with the guns will always stay on good terms."

In the video above, she explains why that's not a good bet to make.

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