"How Ali Came to the Black Country" by Lord Dunsany

1 year ago

There is a Bergh Apton in Norfolk, about 10 km southeast of Norwich. Once upon a time, there were two neighboring villages, one called Bergh, the other called Apton, which merged to form a single village of the combined name Bergh Apton. But yeah, there really is (or was) a place in England called Apton. Of course, you probably wouldn't pass by that locale on your way to the Midlands... I mean, it's not impossible, it's only a little bit out of the way, but does feel unlikely.

Slod, on the other hand, is not so obviously a place in England. The word 'slod' does exist in certain dialects of English, being the past tense of slide, but as a place name? I can't find it. If you know of such a place, leave a comment below!

The picture used is an illustration for the story by Sidney Sime

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/13821/13821-h/13821-h.htm#black

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