Under Water Nuclear Test #factsnews #shorts

1 year ago

In 1946, the US military set off a nuke underwater to see what would happen, and it went very badly. The U.S. military tried a different approach, exploding a bomb 90 feet beneath the water surface of the lagoon. According to the Atomic Heritage Foundation, it was the first underwater test of a nuclear weapon and resulted in all sorts of startling phenomena. The blast generated a massive bubble of hot gas that simultaneously expanded downward and upward. You see, the Navy was trying to prove that their ships could survive a nuclear explosion, so they lowered the bomb 90 feet in the water and put their ships over it. At the bottom, it carved a 30-foot-deep, 2,000-foot-wide crater on the surface of the sea floor. The blast triggered a tsunami with a 94-foot-high wave, so powerful that it lifted up the Arkansas, a 27,000-ton ship. The surge of water swept over many of the target ships, coating them with radioactivity. Eight of the ships were sunk, according to a U.S. Navy account.

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