Exodus CH 30. GOD’s instructions to Moses on how to ordain Aaron and his sons as priests.

1 year ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Sunday, December 17, 2023 Exodus CH 30. GOD’s instructions to Moses on how to ordain Aaron and his sons as priests.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878
That is the one huge difference between the OT and the NT. In the OT GOD dwells in places; in the NT GOD dwells in people. The tabernacle of GOD is no longer a building. It is no longer a temple. GOD does not live in a building anymore.
1COR 6:19-20, Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from GOD, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify GOD in your body.
The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us. Until Yeshua and HIS earthly Ministry, if GOD was going to dwell on earth HE had to have a building. Now HE dwells in us, in every believer and follower of Yeshua. By looking at the Tabernacle we see the great privilege we have in this dispensation.

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