Remodeling With Fuse Holders

6 months ago

pArt Of The Renovation That Took Place For Months Before The 911 Attacks. While Bushes Brother's Company Was In Charge Of Security For The Towers Complex.
People Who Don't Know About 911, Don't Know About 911. The Corruption, Deceit & Treason Involved In The Highest Office In The Land and The Media Was Deeper & More Complex & Planned For Decades In Advance, Than Any Other Deception & Ritual They Have Ever Performed. Bigger Than Covid, Bigger Than JFK, Bigger Than Even The Moon Landing Hoax In Scope. Because This Was Done "Right Before Your Very Eyes." Putting David Copperfield Back Into The Amateur Category. The Greatest Illusion & Hoax Ever Pulled With The Most Impact On The World Than Even WW2. Nothing Has Ever Been The Same Since. That Was The Day American's Lost The Last Of Their Freedom, And The Beginning Of The New American Century.
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