United States is a British Crown Colony. The Crown Owns and Operates the United Nations

1 year ago

United States is a British Crown Colony. The British Crown Owns and Operates the United Nations
February 26, 2016
Congressional Record shows how the United Nations is a British Crown owned corporation, and the United States, and every other nation that joined converted itself into a colony of Great Britain. The Crown is a corporation that is owned by the Roman Cult pursuant to the Treaty of 1213. Youtube wants to be sued because they have taken my channel down twice Email - engineerwin@yahoo.com For information on how you can obtain a copy of all of my youtube videos in *.mp4 format, as well as a DVD with over 50 searcheable law dictionaries, and other books and forms, contact me privately. There are some files available on my website that were previously in the Yahoo group files directory. Yahoo deleted all of their groups.

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Read the hard evidence that exposes how our elected officials sold Americans into slavery. Understand the founding fathers' true intent when they formed our Republican form of government. Discover the influence of the satanic Roman "cult" on our politicians and political system. Do you want to know who owns Congress? It is in the book! Do you want to know why they are called “Law Enforcement Officers”? It is in the book! Do you want to know how you have become a slave? It is in the book! Do you want to know why every President goes to visit the Pope on their first international trip? It is in the book
"What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people...." "At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens." "For too long, a small group in our nation's Capital has reaped the rewards of government, at the cost of its citizens. Washington flourished - but the insiders refused to share in its wealth. Politicians prospered - but allowed our jobs to leave and our factories to close." "Not anymore."
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