Arthur Nobile, Jr. - Organ Concert - December 17, 2023 - Royal Palm Presybterian Church

1 year ago

Arthur Nobile, Jr. - Organ Concert - December 17, 2023 - Royal Palm Presbyterian Church

Livestream Video Performance - Arthur Noble

Arthur is considered a postmodern musician, liturgist, and "icon in the musical world of improvisation and harmonic design."

Mr. Nobile has been published in both written periodicals as well as audio and visual materials. His musical creativity has been called "dazzling". Critics acclaim him a "virtuoso".

After a decade-long affiliation with organist Diane Bish, at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Arthur continued studies at the Paris Conservatory (Paris, France). Later, he studied with Ted Alan Worth and Robert Habble, colleagues of Virgil Fox.

Arthur graduated with academic and collegiate honors from Seton Hill University in 1997 after completing a comprehensive, self-designed major in the visual and performing arts, theology, philosophy, philanthropy, the classics, and women's studies. He is recognized by Seton Hill University as a "Cherished Alumnus".

Mr. Nobile worked closely with the most important architects of our time, Phillip Johnson, during which he collaborated with Johnson's firm ont he design of important sacred spaces throughout Europe and the United States.

Currently, he continues to represent Phillip Johnson's architectural firm, PJAR in Manhattan and anjoys a similar relationship as a consultant for Fratelli Ruffatti Pipe Organ Builders, Padua, Italy.

Arthur Noble has ministered throughout the world. He was the first American organist invited to Saigon, Vietnam to design and dedicate the organ for the Cathedral of Notre Dame. During his time in the Far East, he helped to establish an Office of Worship for the Archdiocese of Saigon, Vietnam.

In 2006, he was designated an Ambassador of Music by the Cultural Councils of the City of Los Angeles and Orange County, California for his work in Vietnam.

Mr. Nobile is involved in the production of multimedia documentaries, many of which can be seen on PBS throughout the USA and Europe.
Because of his affiliation with the organist Diane Bish and her TV shows "The Joy of Music", he enjoyed music-making opportunities in some of the world's most famous churches, concert halls, and cathedrals.

He is highly regarded for his condtributions to the world of digital organ design and combination pipe and digital instruments.

Dr. Fred Moleck, Editor of GIA Publication, writes: "In the history of Western music, there are waves of creativity which fall within a tight time frame. These waves are made by two or three generations of creative musicians whose distinct musical style and language have been easily recognized. Musicians forge together the Romantic penchant for 'spectaculo' with the 21st Century's concern for form and balance. Such a performer in this recent batallion of fireworks is Arthur Nobile, Jr."

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Royal Palm Presbyterian Church

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