Satanism, Actors and the CT shooting - Sandy Hook - thetruthergirls - 2012

1 year ago

Published on Dec 31, 2012

"It has been reported now that Adam Lanza had a webpage all about devil worship. .Not only this, but the town of Newton, CT has been known to have Satanic activity. I would think that for something so evil to happen, th edevil would have to be involved in one way or another.
Another thing people are saying is that the parents and other witnesses seem insincere in their grief and must therefore be hired actors, so I have addressed this point as well as alternative explanations for their behavior. Please let me know what you think.
For the record, I do not think the whole thing was fake or that all these victims' families were involved in a plot. Although I do suspect that there was more than a 'lone wolf' involved, I think a real tragedy unfolded involving a lot of innocent people and their families and my prayers go out to them. I think the devil was at work here and Adam Lanza was most likely not the only one involved, but that doesn't mean the whole thing was fake. The whole thing just horrifies me.
Adam Lanza's Satanic website (article):
Newton, CT, and the Church of Satan:
Newton Residents concerned about Satanic activity (1996 poll):
Police radio: extra suspects, one dressed as a nun:
Parents interviewed outside school, looking pretty calm:
Interviews with victims' families:
Witness Gene Rosen (keeps changing his story a bit from one intervie wto the next)
Crisis Actors for hire:
Please, people, be logical. If an actor who wanted to 'make it' would agree to lie on national TV about being the victim of a horrible incident, then that would be the END of his career as an actor, because from then on the whole nation would recognize him as the 'parent of the murdered child'. No actor, not even a desperate and unscrupulous one, would be dumb enough to do that.
Plus, someone who knows him in real life is bound to leak that he was lying about being a victim.
This leaves only two possibilities: either the parents/witnesses are lying (but about what?) or they have other reasons for not being in the kind of state usually associated with profound grief. They may be in shock, it may not have fully hit them yet, they might even be taking some kinds of tranquilizers or such to help them cope. It could be anything, but the idea that they are hired actors makes the least sense of all."

If you appreciate the things I find then please consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain
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