Han Hakja's Test

1 year ago

So, the point is, Father clarified this at the end.
He did it, so that the Han Hakja’s Harlot of Babylon’s plan would be destroyed; it would be foiled.
He understood obviously that everybody has free will. And this is the very important point: only by Father ascending, did the test arrive. What kind of test?
The test for Han Hakja, to choose either Christ, or money and power.
Because when Father is on the earth, she can always just live in his shadow and follow him, he chooses and she follows.
Only when he leaves, now she is forced to make a 100% free will decision by her own will, without Father being right there. You see.
That is why Father chose the time that he would ascend, and he ascended, then the test comes. It cannot actually come, while Father is here, in this reiteration of the test. This a cosmic level test.

For those who couldn't catch all the words, here is the full text of the clip:

Original video:

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