'Deist' Founders? 'Trans' Family? Ethan Crumbley? | Mon. 12-18-23

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Calls on Muslim guest, Omar. Fire extinguisher to menorah! Deist Founders? CNN trans family propaganda. Ethan Crumbley sentencing.

The Hake Report, Monday, December 18, 2023 AD

0:00:00 Start/Topics
0:01:50 Hey, guys! Mt. Baldy tee
0:03:49 KEITH, IL: ADL on U's vs Kanye, Kyrie
0:06:55 KEITH: Omar on occupied lands
0:09:30 KEITH: Omar a pretend friend, Islam, Dems
0:14:38 KEITH: Confederate flag at rally, Fed
0:16:18 MARK, CA: Omar, Jesus is Muslim? Blasphemy
0:18:51 MARK: Islam, Nat Soc: JB Stoner, NOI, infidels
0:21:52 Don't hook your wagon to people you agree with
0:23:53 Fire extinguisher to Menorah in Poland (Hard-Right)
0:33:45 Deists? Theists? Christian founders? Liberals, Marxists distort history
0:48:35 Shoplifter, old Jamaican man, stopped by man with camera (Muckraker)
0:55:28 "Silent Night" - Phil Hahn, Steve Johnson (2005 or 2013, Songs of Christmas)
0:59:15 Supers: Christ is King of Poland, look it up!
1:00:47 FREDERICK: Bibi egg on his face after hostages killed by IDF
1:05:10 FREDERICK: Trump bringing WWIII, yeah ok (Hake won!)
1:08:34 CNN "Trans family" propaganda: Leaving Florida!
1:23:35 Ethan Crumbley sentenced in emotional court (pics)
1:34:03 Side note: Death Penalty sought by libs (Dylann Roof, Loretta Lynch)
1:34:58 Crumbley: Thoughts, Mental health, Never fixed, Parents charged
1:46:16 MAZE, OH: "Bro…" Christ's law, Man's body, man's choice
1:54:56 Call tomorrow! Hake tries, fails to read last Supers
1:56:36 "A Little Safety from Yourself" - Platelets (2004, All I Want for Christmas compilation, Lujo Records)

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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